For Parents

What We Do

The Kalamazoo Drop-In Child Care Center (KDCCC) provides free part-time child care for income eligible families. Families need to qualify for WIC or Medicaid in order to qualify for our service. Once the children are registered, they may attend up to six times each month.
Parents may reserve a child care slot up to two weeks in advance. We care for up to 20 children each day, therefore signing up is on a first come, first served basis.

Registering at KDCCC

Parents or legal guardians may register their children anytime during our hours, Monday through Friday 11am-3pm. No appointment is necessary – just drop-in! We do all registrations on site at KDCCC. The parent/guardian will fill out a short registration form and a Staff Member will review our Parent Handbook with you.
To register, please bring:
  • Children’s up-to-date immunization records (required)
  • Proof of income (ie: WIC, Bridge, Medicaid Card, or pay stub)

See KDCCC'S Parent Handbook for More Detailed Information

A Safe and Nurturing
Place for Children!

KDCCC’s professional Staff provides age-appropriate activities which nurture early childhood development. We offer a safe, loving environment, allowing your child’s time with us to be a positive learning experience. In our Infant/Toddler Classroom, we strive to meet your child’s developmental needs in a caring and relaxed atmosphere. We send home daily notes about what your child has experienced each day. In our Preschool Classroom, we tailor our lessons and routine to help prepare your child to be successful in an everyday preschool setting and/or kindergarten.
We also offer both a nutritious lunch and an afternoon snack.

See Why Parents Love KDCCC!

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