About Us

KDCCC's Mission is to provide income eligible families with children ages 0-5 years, free, part-time, educationally rich child care, parent education, and support.

KDCCC's Vision is to empower families by providing high quality child care and foster a learning community supporting success through the following:

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  • Building Relationships
  • Support During Critical Moments
  • Nurturing Growth and Development
  • Demonstrating Positive, Healthy Adult/Child Interactions
  • Aiding Families’ Ability to Thrive


A Safe Place for Children

The Kalamazoo Drop-In Child Care Center (KDCCC) was established to provide free, part-time child care for income-eligible families with children age six weeks through five years old.  The objectives of our service are to enable parents with young children to more rapidly negotiate the maze of appointments and services often required to obtain employment, permanent housing, register for school or attend classes and achieve eventual self-sufficiency. We also give parents a “healthy” break from the demands of parenting. We have created a warm, safe, and supportive environment for children and their parents.
KDCCC is open Monday through Friday from 11AM to 3PM. Parents may stop in to register anytime during these hours. Space is limited to 20 children per day but once parents register their children, they may reserve a child care slot up to 2 weeks in advance. Please see our Parent Handbook for more information about registering a child.

Supporting Families Since 1990

The Kalamazoo Drop-In Child Care Center (KDCCC), established in 1990, provides free, part-time child care for income-eligible families with children age six weeks through five years old.
KDCCC began as a mission project of the First Congregational Church, UCC (FCC). While we are housed in a church, we do not provide any religious instruction.

Proclamation by the
City of Kalamazoo

KDCCC was recognized by Mayor Bobby Hopewell during the September 5th, 2016, City Commission meeting, for providing 25 years of free, high quality child care for families in the Kalamazoo community.

Inclusion, Diversity and Anti-Bias Policy

Policy Statement: KDCCC supports the principles of social justice. All children and families of all abilities and from religious, cultural, and linguistically diverse backgrounds are treated equitably and are valued and included in all aspects of the Center.

Rationale: All children and families have a right to be treated with fairness and equity, have the same opportunities for participation, and are accepted as valued members of the community.

Although KDCCC is housed in a church, we do not provide any religious instruction.